Atikameksheng Anishnawbek will thrive together as a strong and proud Nation by honouring our gifts of Anishinabemowin and the Life of the Land.
Programs & Services
Community Initiatives
Chi – Zhiingwaak Business Park
Chi – Zhiingwaak Business Park is an 18-lot land base with great potential for economic development...
Comprehensive Community Planning
Comprehensive Community Planning is looking ahead at least 10 years and planning the future we...
COVID-19 Updates
Please see our COVID-19 page for Administration and Health updates during the pandemic...
Our Values
We Value the gift of Anishinabemowin as the strength of our Nation
We Value the Hope of our Youth, the Leadership of our Adults, and the Wisdom of our Elders.
We Value and honour the contributions of our families as it makes us who we are.
We Value Mino Minadsowin (the Good Life).
The Life of the Land teaches us Respect, Love, Truth, Bravery, Humility, Honesty and Wisdom.
The Statement of Account for the Robinson Huron Treaty Annuities Claim Settlement Agreement for Past Compensation has been posted to the Members Portal for Debendaagziwaad to review.
Please remember that this information is strictly confidential and for Atikameksheng Anishnawbek members only.
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