Jordan’s Principle

Ensuring First Nations Children Receive the Public Services They Need When They Need Them

Our priority is to continue to support Atikameksheng Anishnawbek families with the support with individual application submissions and payments to ensure that ISC approved services are being delivered in a timely manner. Where possible, applications for support and assistance will be prepared such that payments are directed to suppliers thus relieving the family/child and community from direct financial cash flow impacts as well as reliving ISC with the increased backlogs. With higher than usual living costs, our community members are struggling to pay for approved costs and cannot wait for reimbursements from ISC. 


On May 29, 2024, Atikmeksheng Anishnawbek Jordan’s Principle department submitted an application to receive Enhanced Service Access Resolution Fund (SARF) to ensure that this will allow Atikameksheng Anishnawbek to support our families and children by providing the funds for the approved submissions, alleviating the administration level with the Jordan’s Principle office and to ensure that payments is built on a foundation of strong relationships with clients, vendors, the deferral government and enhanced service coordination staff. This exiting news meant that we are now equipped to ensure that children receive the supports they need in a timely manner.

The Enhanced SARF payment process is:

• Efficient – average payment time months shorter than FNIHB.

• Flexible – allows for advance payment and payments across fiscal years.

• Thorough – includes multiple verification steps that support clients and vendors.

What is Jordan’s Principle?

Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle named in memory of Jordan River Anderson. Jordan was a First Nation’s child from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. Born with complex medical needs, Jordan spent more than two years unnecessarily in hospital while the Province of Manitoba and the federal government argued over who should pay for his home care. Jordan died in the hospital at the age of five years old, never having spent a day in his family home.
Jordan’s Principle ensures that First Nations children can access all public services when they need them. Services need to be culturally based and take into full account the historical disadvantage that many First Nations children live with. The government of the first contact pays for the service and resolves jurisdictional/payment disputes later.

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society

Why is Jordan’s Principle Important?

Jordan’s Principle was a result of payment disputes between federal and provincial governments over services for a First Nations child. While this is common, there does not have to be a jurisdictional dispute to be eligible to apply. First Nations children are frequently left waiting for services they desperately need or are denied services that are available to other children. This includes, but is not limited to, services in education, health, early childhood services, recreation, and culture and language. Jordan’s Principle calls on the government of the first contact to pay for the services without delay and seek reimbursement later so the child is not tragically caught in the middle of government red tape.

What did the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal say about Jordan’s Principle?

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is a legal institution whose mandate is to adjudicate cases where there has been an alleged breach of the Canadian Human Rights Act. In 2016, the Tribunal found that the Canadian government is racially discriminating against 165,000 First Nations children and their families for its failure to provide equitable services, including the proper implementation of Jordan’s Principle. The Tribunal has issued a series of legally binding orders that Canada has an obligation to fulfill. Highlights of the orders are:

  • Apply Jordan’s Principle to all First Nations children living on and off reserve;
  • Apply Jordan’s Principle based on the needs of the child (not just limited to the normative standard of care);
  • Ensure that administrative procedures do not delay service provisions; and
  • Respond to most cases within 48 hours.

How to access Public Services and Supports through Jordan’s Principle

Who is Eligible? All First Nations children (0-18) who live on or off reserve.  A referral to Jordan’s Principle can be made for a single child or a group of children. On and off community members whose children are registered with Atikameksheng or has a parent who is registered with Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. If you have questions, please call us.

What is covered? All public services and supports.  If your child has any unmet services or support needs, we can assist with an application.

What can we do for you?

As your local Jordan’s Principle Case Managers/Systems Navigators we are here to assist with your Jordan’s Principle application. 

If you have previously submitted an application and were denied, we can help with the appeal process.

Jordan’s Principle covers all public services such as mental health, special education, dental, physical therapy, medical equipment, physiotherapy and more. 

The following are the types of things that can be applied for – this is not an exhaustive list.  If you think you have an application for Jordan’s Principle, or have questions, please give us a call. 

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Health
    • Mobile aids
    • Wheelchair ramps
    • Services from Elders
    • Assessments and Screenings
    • Medical supplies and equipment
    • Mental health services
  • Social
    • Social Worker
    • Land-based activities
    • Respite care (Individual or group)
    • Specialized programs based on cultural beliefs and practices
    • Personal Support Worker
  • Education:
    • School supplies
    • Tutoring services
    • Teaching assistants
    • Psycho-educational assessments
    • Assistive technology and electronics

Helpful Links

Spirit Bear and Children Make History Story: Nuttah and Kitchi, Protect our People

Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger Full Film.

To learn more about Jordan’s Principle visit or contact:

Santana Nebenionquit
Case Manager/Systems Navigator Jordan’s Principle
Phone: (705) 692-3651 ext. 1123

Jennifer Sailian
Jordan’s Principle Coordinator
Phone: (705) 692-3651 ext. 1135

How to Avoid Duplication of Services for Jordan’s Principle: Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Jordan’s Principle Case Manager / System Navigator has been assisting community members with Jordan’s Principle applications who may not have any other affiliation with Nogdawindamin Child and Family Services. As more First Nation communities get involved in hiring their own Case Managers/System Navigators, Nogdawindamin will be able to focus on their children in care and family clients. Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Jordan’s Principle Coordinator has focused on Group applications for the community as a whole such as Summer Program, Sports and Recreational, School Supplies, Hot Lunches and Hunt Camp. As we continue to evaluate the communities’ needs, we can work in collaboration with internal departments to ensure the gap in services are being met.

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