Public Works

The Public Works division provides the following services: Road Operations and Maintenance, Water Distribution, and Band Building Maintenance. 

Snow Removal Service Application


CGS Water Quality Report


Road Operation & Maintenance

Public Works maintains 37.68 kilometers of gravel roads and 3.77 kilometers of paved light bituminous road within the reserve. The work on this road network consists of grass cutting, brush removal, and culvert replacement. During winter operations, we maintain, plow and sand 82.9 kilometers of laneway, and provide driveway plowing services to our Elders.

Water Distribution

There are 6,717 meters of water mains located throughout the community. Our Water Distribution Worker performs water sampling and Bac-T’s, annual system flushings, and maintains 45 fire hydrants. He also works with Health Canada to ensure that the community has safe drinking water.

Band Building Maintenance

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek owns the following band buildings: Public Works Garage, Administration/Health Building, Information Clearinghouse, Library, Police Building, Early Years Building, Chalet, and Reserve Camp. Our Asset Maintenance Worker maintains and services these buildings.

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