The Education program is responsible for the development, and implementation of an education service plan for K-12 and post-secondary that meets the needs of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. The Education program manages the tuition agreements for our resident students and arranges for school bus transportation. The Education program provides education guidance to students regarding educational issues, career planning, and personal development. In addition, the Education program advocates for appropriate services for students and parents to ensure accountability of school boards and faculties to provide the best opportunities for success to the students of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek in all of their educational endeavors.
The Education Support Workers provide support to students with Individual Education Plans and/or with Identification, Placement and Review Committee recommendations through outreach to families and through liaison and advocacy for services from local school boards. The Education Support Workers also provide support to students in general with student success strategies such as, but not limited to, student support, educational guidance, and coordinate tutoring services. Summer educational programming is provided during the months of July and August.
There are no scholarships available at this time.
Release of Information Forms
Education Policy
Sudbury Bussing ConsortiumLearning Resources
Kids Math Games Preschool Games Kindergarden Games Reading WorksheetsFinancial Assistance
Deadline dates for funding applications will be subject to annual deadlines determined by each academic school year and the Education Unit. Students who apply on/or before these dates will be considered on an equal basis, within their student priority category. See Section 2 – Student Priority Categories. Students who apply after these dates will be placed on a waiting list.